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Elaborate on research from your Discovery phase.

Interface audit


A listing and analysis of all the components, design patterns, and interface features of an existing website (including typography, color, graphics/illustration/icons)


To identify components that need to be revised in new versions of a website to create consistency and fill gaps. Interface audits can also help you establish and document a design system for a website.

How to do it

An interface audit can be conducted by an individual or in a group setting. Either way, the steps are as follows:

  1. Identify the website and take screenshots of all the pages you want to audit
  2. Create a checklist of aspects you want to audit on each page—for example typography, header and body copy styles, use of color, buttons, icons, etc.
  3. For each page, take notes on each aspect on your checklist.
  4. Once all pages have been audited, compare notes and identify inconsistencies (e.g., headers are inconsistently formatted, sometimes bolded, sometimes italicized).
  5. Decide how to resolve any inconsistencies by choosing one of the existing approaches found on the site (e.g., make all headers bold) or designing a new solution (e.g., make all headers a different color).

Note: It’s helpful to involve developers, who will be able to advise on the feasibility of potential solutions.

Additional resources

Government considerations

No PRA implications. No information is collected from members of the public.
