Visual preference testing
A method that allows potential users to review and provide feedback on a solution’s visual direction.
To align the established branding guidelines and attributes of a solution with the way end users view the overall brand and emotional feel.
How to do it
- Create iterations of a style tiles or other asset that represent directions a final visual design may follow. If branding guidelines or attributes don’t exist, establish them with stakeholders beforehand.
- Interview participants about their reactions.
- Ask questions as objectively as possible.
- Align questions with the branding guidelines and attributes your project must incorporate.
- As far as possible, allow participants to provide their feedback unmoderated or at the end of your research.
- Compare the results of your research with the agency’s published branding guidelines and attributes.
- Publish the results to the complete product team and decide which direction will guide future design efforts.
Government considerations
No PRA implications. The PRA explicitly exempts direct observation and non-standardized conversation, 5 CFR 1320.3(h)3. See the methods for Recruiting and Privacy for more tips on taking input from the public.